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Welcome to Chris Wagner's online art store. All works shown are completely original unless listed as a print.

Product Image Working With Watercolor Workshop - Saturday, August 6th, 10-4

Working With Watercolor Workshop - Saturday, August 6th, 10-4

$ 100.00

This six hour workshop will focus on techniques that can help you create successful images in watercolor. The goal of the workshop is not to send you out the door with an amazing painting, but instead to associate you with techniques and methods that can help you create an amazing painting at home on your own time. That being said, we will aim to have one "finished" painting.

We will cover brushwork, use of the palette, and various mediums that can help in you in your artwork. This class utilizes masking technique a lot, which enables you to create wonderful highlights in your painting. 

Please email me at chris@chriswagnerarts.com with questions.

Lunch will be provided during the day. There is a six student limit to ensure everyone has the space and attention that they deserve. 
A recommended materials list will be emailed to each student, but a quick list includes 

  • Watercolor pad, 11 x 15 inches is a good size. 
  • A variety of watercolor brushes
  • A set of watercolor. Do NOT buy cheap watercolors, they are a waste of money. (They wash out instantly.) One of the Windsor & Newton or Cotman intro sets is a good place to start.

  • A bottle of masking fluid. We will use lots of this. I use Winsor & Newton which is available at Michaels or online through Amazon.
  • Watercolor palette.